Tuesday, August 6, 2013

writing stories

At the beginning of summer, I looked for some ideas of things to do with the girls on the days that they were here with me.  Found a great book on Amazon called "Show Me A Story" by Emily K. Neuburger.  One of the projects, to encourage children's storytelling and imagination is this one. 

I made a bunch of cards with words and phrases printed on them.  Then I made three "fancy paper" envelopes and divided the cards into them.  I named the envelopes "Beginning", "Middle" and "End".
Each time they were going to write a story, they chose a card from each of the three envelopes, taped the cards at the top of their paper and began composing their story with the beginning word, the middle word and the ending word.  So these are Danielle's and Kassidy's resulting stories.








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