Monday, February 17, 2014

Henri's snowy morning walk's the rabbit tracks from last night...

and here's Henri's boot tracks from this morning.

It was a blizzard this morning and so I thought it a good time to try out Henri's new boots.  Wondered how he would react to them, so we put on his leash, opened the garage door so that he knew he was going out and I got them on, fastening the Velcro, one by one.  Mark and I laughed so hard because at first he was lifting his legs in all different directions wondering what was going on.  But off they went.

On the way back, one came off so maybe I didn't have the Velcro secured good enough...

but he did good!

And no cold piggies...

and I think he wanted to do it again!


Doris said...

Nice that he is so tolerant! Good Henri!

Suz said...

ha ha that is so cute