Monday, October 27, 2014

...and later that day

after all that proper partying...a face painting! 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Just sketching...

Sketchbook Skool is in session again.  First assignment draw the details of your piece of toast!
This is my favorite multi-grain bread; was hard not to just eat it!


And something with lots of parts and detail.  I love fans...

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Halloween Tea


The witches were getting ready for the Halloween Tea...


"Come in my pretties and have some Spider Cider."


" He he he..."

 The room was full of excitement and the goodies ready...


and all the witches were hungry...

All were dressed in their witches' finery.

And it was one little witch's birthday

Kassidy and Danielle, the birthday witch...

Frankie paid a visit!

Soon it was time for Halloween rhymes and stories...

"Witch, witch, where do you fly?"

"Shake, shake...

shake dem bones now... "

All good witches having fun!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

the dancing and.....

Two favorite people in my cousin, Joanne
and her husband, Chuck
grandparents of the groom

the first dance

the groom and his mom


the bride and her father-in-law

the family

me and Mark

Janis and her Dad


Julie has a turn

twisting away...

Bruce and Carolyn


Alix and her Dad...

and a tender moment...

for the parents of the groom