Monday, April 16, 2012

Look who's back!

Do you remember, three springs ago (May/June 2009), when i had doves nest in my hanging basket?  Well, it was quite a trauma, worrying about the basket falling when it got heavier as the babies hatched and sometimes both parents were in there too, and so I put a "safety net" underneath them on the deck rail, consisting of a Rubbermaid bin, a laundry basket, and a pile of fluffy towels!  Then, just as I finished, the chain broke and down they came.  They were just fine, and I named the babies Emma and Ernest.  Well, we moved the basket to hang over the other smaller side deck where there was less activity, and the doves were back looking last year but did not nest there.  So yesterday, when i was going to go out there to hang out some paper to distress in the rain, there was Emma sitting proudly in her nest!  Oh dear, where's that laundry basket!


Laura said...

Oh April excited that they came back..looking forward to the stories.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

It looks like a great place for a nest, but don't you wonder sometimes what they are thinking when they build their nests in some places? Don't they know how WE worry?? :-)

Gloria said...

How wonderful you get to see the pretty bird up-close. A rare treat!

Happy day to you!