Sunday, January 11, 2009

My little valentine

I have a shoebox full of my mother's old valentines. She loved them and so do I. They are treasures. Actually this one is not so little. She is about 11-1/2 inches. A perfect valentine...

with a signature on the back.


butterfly woman said...

Is that precious or what? The valentine from so long ago, in such good shape. I zoomed in to the back of the valentine, saw her handwriting there. You know these special things keep our parent's memories alive, don't they and to have a box of these treasures, that would be heaven to me. I felt my own heart open up when I came here today. Thanks for sharing these tokens of love.
P.S. I love your weedy flower header here. So flowing, makes me yearn for spring. Is this new? or have I just not been paying attention?

april said...

Thanks, Bev. The weedy leaves and berries are from maybe two late autumns or early winters ago at Lake Katherine. I was with a plein air painters group, freezing but determined.

Uta said...

Love the header April. Must take the time to do something with mine.