Monday, January 9, 2012

this morning...

On Monday mornings, I drive out to Dan's to be with Kassidy and put her on the school bus, while Dan drives Danielle to her school.  Today was the most beautiful drive.  It's early, so the trees were white and frosty and inbetween the branches I could see last night's Full Wolf Moon going down.  It was like a huge orange melon!  I wanted so to stop somewhere and take a picture, but I couldn't.  As I got to Dan's street, the fog was lying low over the fields like a big down comforter; one that you could just lie down on and snuggle into.  It was so beautiful with the morning sun coming up behind it.  Then later, on the corner, while waiting for the school bus to come, I heard the loud CAWS, looked up, and two big crows were having their morning conversation.  Majestic.  There IS a reason that I have to be out and about at this early hour.  It's priceless.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I hate the sounds of crows, reminds me of Hitchcock's "Birds".
When I saw the moon, I thought I hope April tells us what moon that is and you did. Thanks.