Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

The message came.  It was the Simple Abundance New Year's brunch and discussion at The Center.  My life seems busier every year and I have not attended the Simple Abundance gatherings in so long.  They have been having these gatherings for fifteen years and I attended during many of those years.  I love this book.  I just have to hold it and I can feel the energy and strength and peace coming out of it.  So I went!  I always love the beginning of the book.  January...
"And now let us welcome the New Year, Full of things that have never been."  Rainer maria Rilke  

Sarah writes, "New Year's Day.  A fresh start.  A new chapter in life waiting to be written."  Let's go!

And today's page from the Mary Engelbreit daily calendar.

1 comment:

Kate said...

April, I love that book! Several times I have started to go through it, but usually lose track by March. Your Simple Abundance Group is a great idea!