Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh no!

It happened! The hook gave and down the hanging basket went, right into the big basket beneath! A little crooked, but a direct hit. Mommy flew up in alarm and fluttered right back down to check on her babies.

Daddy came to the rescue! "Are you all okay?"

"Yes dear, I think we are fine."

I watched and watched and finally I saw the two little heads surface. Hungry!


Suz said...

I am going to nominate you for an award April! Thanks so much for being there for those precious babies......I guess no one is ever going to question your methods again!

J (uk) said...

O gosh April...but for you... Thank goodness you went into action, with your comforatble-landing-tower. So glad it all ended happily. Phew!!!

Miki Willa said...

Wow! How wonderful that you were so thoughtful about this eventuality. It is great to see all the photos of this young family. Thanks.