Yesterday, Sunday, was the first get-together of our Artist's Way group. So nice to see some faces that I have never seen before. To put their words to faces.
Henri, a handful today. He knows the Bunny camps out in our yard at night and leaves something that resembles his dog food. What a time, chasing him before I can pick it up. When we go out in the early morning, Bunny's fluffy white cottontail is just flying through the fence. Oh no!
Is it time for bed yet?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Done and delivered
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Early morning
The moon is so beautiful early this morning. It's a bright beautiful sliver, but I can see the entire orb so clearly, still showing off it's beautiful design. So quiet and looking down on us.
"Moon, worn thin to the width of a quill,
In the dawn clouds flying,
How good to go, light into light, and still
Giving light, dying. "
Sara Teasdale (1884-1933)
"Moon, worn thin to the width of a quill,
In the dawn clouds flying,
How good to go, light into light, and still
Giving light, dying. "
Sara Teasdale (1884-1933)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh my!
A hectic day here in the "nursery" today. Henri thinks he is the boss. He is a very good puppy all day, but has about two "out of control", wild and crazy, times a day. Just bursting with energy. Testing Timber. And Timber tries; he is such a good brother. After Henri runs around and causes trouble, he collapses and naps like an angel. He'll be 9 weeks old on Monday. Still a baby.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Drawing class today
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My gifts from the sea
Opening the package of the "Gift From The Sea" series, that I was so fortunate to purchase from Laura, made it feel like Christmas. Each piece so uniquely describes the chapter in the book that it was named after. Each one so beautiful. Each one giving a very spiritual feeling.
Cool mornings. yum. Open windows, coffee perking and Henri sleeps all night. I'm not getting much done during the day, but I am getting my sleep. A much appreciated thing. Today, I must finish the piece that I am donating to the McCord Gallery & Cultural Center's Black & White Event, name it, and frame it!
Monday, September 22, 2008
It's Autumn
Shadowy fields that are scentless but full of singing,
Never a bird, but the passionless chant of insects,
Ceaseless, insistent.
The grasshopper's horn, and far-off, high in the maples,
The wheel of a locust leisurely grinding the silence
Under a moon waning and worn, broken,
Tired with summer." Sara Teasdale
A new week
Well, it was "meals on wheels" yesterday for Dan and Danielle. "Farley", Dan's oldest lab, has arthritis that is getting very painful. They decided to stay home with him. Julie and her friend, Linda, were coming to visit "Henri" and take some photos, so they delivered dinner to them on their way home. They were making "Jack" and "Sally" Halloween decorations, so I know they had a good day otherwise.
Today, a second vet visit for Henri, and for me - I will be reading up on chewing and biting.
Today, a second vet visit for Henri, and for me - I will be reading up on chewing and biting.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday morning
We will have a nice Sunday dinner today. Mark's day off, and Dan and Danielle are coming over. I'm making my mother's recipe for Swiss Steak. Yum, with it's gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh carrots and homemade applesauce. I think Danielle will like chocolate pudding and cookies for dessert.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
It's the weekend!
Yesterday began with Henri's first visit to his vet. A healthy one. Back home, my friend Laura was coming over to share some art magazines with me and so I tried to clean up "the nursery" a little. Laura is someone who makes you feel comfortable with whoever you are, so I wasn't worried. Surprised myself and even gave her a glimpse at my untidy studio! We had a nice visit and she got to meet Timber and Henri. Having her "Gift From The Sea" collages in my home will be a lovely addition. Love the peacefulness of them, have admired them for a long time, and have always loved the book by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Thank you, Laura.
Today is my second class of the first session of Children's Art at The Center. Danielle is still sleeping, Henri is morning napping, and now I need to go to the studio below and gather my supplies for the day.
Today is my second class of the first session of Children's Art at The Center. Danielle is still sleeping, Henri is morning napping, and now I need to go to the studio below and gather my supplies for the day.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Didn't go to art class today as someone had to man the nursery and hubby had woodcarving. I baked two banana breads and sent him on. Thought I could get something done, but how come I just want to hang around with this puppy? He is doing good, with most potty and poopies being done outside (if I'm sure to catch him), and he plays vigorously and then naps a lot...but then I want to just sit and look at him. "Timber" is accepting him very well. He looks at me and knows I will come to his rescue if "Henri" is jumping at him or biting his feet. They walk along together in the yard and "Timber" just wags at him. You are a good boy, "Timber".
More "Happenings of Henri"
Got some sleep last night too! The cage just wasn't working, so while reading "Golden Retrievers For Dummies" again, it says "It's a good idea to move the crate into your bedroom at night and next to your bed for the first few weeks so that he won't feel left alone." It worked! Timber laid next to him on the floor and I just said "everybody lay down now" and he did. Not a peep! One "poopie run" at 11:30, but back in the cage and back to sleep until 5.
Now to work on the chapter for biting fingers and chewing rugs.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Happenings of Henri
Henri (Houdini) escaped from his cage last night! He had done the same thing earlier in the day and foolishly I thought that maybe I had not latched it right. So, after putting him in to bed at bedtime, making sure I had latched it properly, and hearing only about two minutes of complaints from him and then silence, I thought "oh, what a good puppy". Didn't hear from him all night and I began waking up, thinking "how can this be", "I hope he is alright", "is he stuck"? Was ready to get a flashlight and take a peek, when he announced himself at 4 a.m. Hurriedly, I got out of bed and went downstairs to praise him. Surprise! He met me at the stairs! And there were several "presents" awaiting me on the floor. "Henri! How did you do that?"
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's a baby puppy shower...
Brought him home yesterday after picking him up in Rochelle, in the rain. After consideration of many suggested names, I decided to name him after Henri Matisse. "Henry" was Julie's choice of names. After receiving his parents' pedigree papers, I see his grandfather was "Boomer Claude Monet" and great-grandfather, "Claude Monet Chandler". That cinched it! One of Danielle's choices was "Sunny", so i will add that, but the name he will answer to is "Henri".
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Rain, rain, rain
The plan was to pick up our baby boy puppy at the end of the month, as we were going to combine that with another little trip, but now our lady is delivering 7 of them to families and they are meeting in Rochelle today. We decided to go with that plan, instead of leaving him behind. The rain continues and I am worried. Will she get through okay? Will we get through okay?
Trying to read "Atonement" for book club on Tuesday and I can't concentrate!
Trying to read "Atonement" for book club on Tuesday and I can't concentrate!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
a day at home
9-11. Seven years ago.
My homework for poetry this time is to write the quietest poem you can possibly write. Today is a day for quietness and so maybe something will come out of that.
I'm home today, and the day at hand is still here though, and I need to make a list. Straighten house, clean "Freddie's" (alias "Jackie") bowl. All this quickly, so that I can get on to collage and crayons. Collages for next week's class. Samples for tomorrow's *Bookfair at Barnes & Noble. Final preparation for Saturday's kids art class at The Center. Catch up with "Artist's Way" reading. And in-between, quiet for that poem.
*The Log Cabin for the Arts is sponsoring a Bookfair at Barnes & Noble, 160 Orland Park Place. Friday, September 12 from 9am - 11pm. Present a voucher, available at The Center, or simply tell them you are from The Center, and The Center will receive 10% of your purchase cost. The art teachers and students will be demonstrating, performing, and displaying their talents all daylong in the cafe' and throughout the store.
Please support The Center on September 12th.
My homework for poetry this time is to write the quietest poem you can possibly write. Today is a day for quietness and so maybe something will come out of that.
I'm home today, and the day at hand is still here though, and I need to make a list. Straighten house, clean "Freddie's" (alias "Jackie") bowl. All this quickly, so that I can get on to collage and crayons. Collages for next week's class. Samples for tomorrow's *Bookfair at Barnes & Noble. Final preparation for Saturday's kids art class at The Center. Catch up with "Artist's Way" reading. And in-between, quiet for that poem.
*The Log Cabin for the Arts is sponsoring a Bookfair at Barnes & Noble, 160 Orland Park Place. Friday, September 12 from 9am - 11pm. Present a voucher, available at The Center, or simply tell them you are from The Center, and The Center will receive 10% of your purchase cost. The art teachers and students will be demonstrating, performing, and displaying their talents all daylong in the cafe' and throughout the store.
Please support The Center on September 12th.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Had to take a picture of this lovely arrangement that was at the "opening" of the new log cabin yesterday. Wildflowers picked from the woods there. So simple. So lovely.
And a good collage class this morning! Seven enthusiastic and wonderful students! Now to put on my "thinking cap" and prepare ideas and samples for next week, so that I can keep up with them!
Exciting news!
Back to school
Yesterday spent the day making "serendipity" paper, which will be the beginning project of the collage session starting today. We will use this paper in our first collage piece. Afternoon came and dashed off to a little celebration of the final inspection on the brand new third log cabin for the arts at The Center. Back home with Danielle for leftover spaghetti and meatballs and "Jack".
Monday, September 8, 2008
It's Monday
It's Monday and the time for art classes to start is drawing near. Back to the drawing table this morning for more lesson planning.
Time out yesterday to make a big pot of spaghetti and meatballs. Dan and Danielle came for Sunday dinner and a movie after. "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Made in 1993, but "Daddy's" favorite movie and Danielle loves it. She loves "Jack". "Daddy" loves "Lock", "Shock" and "Barrel". An amazing movie written and produced by Tim Burton, with wonderful music by Danny Elfman.
Time out yesterday to make a big pot of spaghetti and meatballs. Dan and Danielle came for Sunday dinner and a movie after. "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Made in 1993, but "Daddy's" favorite movie and Danielle loves it. She loves "Jack". "Daddy" loves "Lock", "Shock" and "Barrel". An amazing movie written and produced by Tim Burton, with wonderful music by Danny Elfman.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Report from the nursery
Besides getting our "Friday" photos, we were also treated to a little progress report on our boy. The breeder says he is a very sweet boy and loves to cuddle. (Perfect for the fall and winter weather approaching.) He was very brave at the vet and the vet fell in love with him, she says.
Everyone here seems anxious to name him. Since he is half golden and half standard poodle, we are thinking of maybe something "french". What do you think about "Henri" or "Louis" (L'wee)?
Everyone here seems anxious to name him. Since he is half golden and half standard poodle, we are thinking of maybe something "french". What do you think about "Henri" or "Louis" (L'wee)?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Puppy pictures!
Out and about
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A new season
It's fun! It's exciting! It's a job! Besides teaching my class on Wednesdays at The Center, I am now the children's art teacher for kids grades 4-8 on Saturday mornings there. Back to the "drawing board" finding ideas and making lesson plans. I just want them to have fun and like me. I want them to go home happy with what they've done.
And it's raining today! I love this all time of year. The air is cool and I see some leaves starting to change.
"The breezes taste
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel-
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
Chalk, and such.
The bee, the hive,
Well-honeyed hum,
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
With suds, the days
Are polished with
A morning haze."
John Updike, September
And it's raining today! I love this all time of year. The air is cool and I see some leaves starting to change.
"The breezes taste
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel-
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
Chalk, and such.
The bee, the hive,
Well-honeyed hum,
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
With suds, the days
Are polished with
A morning haze."
John Updike, September
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
School Days

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yesterday's Labor Day
Yesterday, Julie and I went to the Frankfort Fall Fest. Browsed around, bought a few treasures, had a brat and a citrus shakeup for old times' sake and that was that. It was so hot! Dripping hot! But...where were all the nasty yellow jackets? Some, but not swarms like past Labor Day weekends. It wasn't that I missed them; just a question in my mind asking what is happening now that is affecting even them?
We found a very pleasant pianist/composer, whose music soothed the sultry day. He is Bradley Joseph. He also has CDs to play for dogs, cats or birds when you leave them home alone. Hey, Doris! May be the answer for "Captain Destructo"! The CD that I bought is "the journey continues...", soft piano to calm, compose and renew. I must bring it to the next retreat at The Center.
Cleaned "Jackie's" bowl this morning and she was in a bit of a tizzy. After that trauma, I think she is sleeping. Her and I will get used to this. Won't we?
Monday, September 1, 2008
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