Here comes the mourning doves! Is it nesting time? Last year they built a nest in the awning over our deck before we even realized it. Of course, had to wait for the lone egg to hatch before opening it for the season, and it was twins! Then we had to wait for them to fly, and they are not good housekeepers!

No, no...don't be cuddling up here.
Oh, and my son got a job! Before that happens, he is off on a flight to Florida to meet up with Danielle who is there visiting her other grandparents. I can breathe now...
See Our prayers were heard. Now you have me going through my junk drawers...I have many to choose from...and collage them...I'm up for the challenge April! I love doves, too. But can you imagine how messy three owls would have been!
yes, they were.
and yes, let's do something with our junk drawers!
Great news about your son. And got the job quickly, wonderful.
Can't wait to see the "junk" creations!
Oh, and dove photos are heavenly. Love how that camera is working for you.
Pleased to know you've had good news about your son, April.
Love julie x
Congrats to your son! In such trying times, good news to hear. I love the mourning doves...their such a pleasure to listen to...and ever so gentle.
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