Saturday, February 21, 2009

The weekend

Snow. And it sure looks gray this morning. The newspaper says snowy today; storm total 3-6 inches. Blowing snow tonight; a few snow showers. Up early to a bowl of warm oatmeal with brown sugar and walnuts sprinkled on top. Comfort food.

Later, when letting Henri out, he and I both stopped in our tracks to hear one lone crow cawing up in the tree by the squirrel's nest. I ran for my zoom lens but couldn't get back fast enough, for when Henri ran down into the yard, the crow flew away.


butterfly woman said...

Great photo April, love
how Henri and fence railing jumps out from the greyish background.
Maybe it was Laura stopping by to say
Hi, (the crow symbol).
Spring is coming, someday.

Doris said...

Henri appears quite interested in the visitor!