Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Thought the snow had stopped last night, but this morning woke up to lots of that white fluffy kind. Sparkly, when one turns the outside light on to let the dogs out. Pretty. Better than the muddy yard underneath. Lots of projects going on around here this week. Yesterday, I began to sort out one section of my artroom, did some painting, gave some thought to my collage for class, sent hubby to the printer to drop off some things to be printed, and worked on valentines! It's almost that time!

I love watching this tree as it goes through each season.


Suz said...

Valentines? oh yeah..those

30 you say?

Doris said...

That is a beautiful tree!

april said...

yep...about 30.

And Doris, that's my Cleveland Pear.